Frequently Asked Questions
In Room Safe Boxes
Here you can find the answer of your potential questions about Safe Boxes
01 What is the difference of Hotel Type Safe Box?
Standard safeboxes work with fixed password. So the user needs to memorize one password for the safe box. Becaue he/she only have one safebox , no need to change the password frequently. However hotel guests are changing but the safebox is safe. So hotel system needs dynamic password. In Hotel types; Guest use any code to lock the safebox, same code will open to unlock. So all guest can use their own password. Basicly, Which code locks that code opens.
02 What is the life of the batteries?
Alplock systems use 4pcs of Alkaline AA Batteries. Our battey life is around 24 months in normal usage.
03 Is it possible to give direct electricity?
Yes but it is optional. It is possible to connect 110-220V AC. In case of power failure, batteries will automaticly and immediately drive the safebox. It means uninterreupted power.
04 How many log capacity safes have?
Last 105 events are memorized by the safeboxes F01 and F06. Event can be read by hand device and computer. It is possible to download to computer and print out.
05 Is it possible to order custom size?
Yes. Any size is welcome. However due to the production time and costs the price and delivery time will be different.
06 Is it possible to order different color?
Yes. Any color is welcome. However due to the production time and costs the price and delivery time will be different.
07 How to open it when the guest forgot the password?
It is possible to open it with hand terminal. Hand Terminal device has also its own password. Master Code of the safebox can open the safe too. Other than these ways , it is possible to open the safebox with its special master key.